Sep 2Liked by Claire Liu

Hi Claire! First of all, thanks for the update. As a fan, I definitely was wondering what had happened to you, though I imagined it was something along the lines of what you explained. Yes, of course I miss watching you play, I miss cheering you on from my living room while I'm watching the match on my laptop, but above all I want you to be OK. And if the break from tennis is the first step towards that, then so be it. I have been admiring you for a while. It all started with tennis, but now it goes beyond that. A lot of the things that you write about on this blog are very relatable, which is why I admire you not only as a tennis player but, more importantly, as a person. Thank you again just for sharing all of this with us. Take as much time as you need. What matters the most is you. I send you the best wishes, and the biggest of hugs, from Spain.

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Hi Claire! I figured I'd write. I've been following your and Ann Li's tennis careers ever since that Wimbledon junior final! I couldn't believe two Asian Americans appearing in a final of that level at any point.... it was awesome!! Because I hadn't seen you on tour at all, I took the time to google, which eventually took me here. I'm glad to see you writing things out and hope that you don't feel as though your posts even have to be about tennis. After all, a space to write is a general space to contemplate whatever it is you feel like. I do hope writing anything will be therapeutic and that the break gives you the time to meditate on the things that really drive you and fulfill you. I'm sending you the best of luck!

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> Ironically whenever I’ve heard that a player is taking a break from tennis I always think good for them. But of course when I do it I feel like I’m taking the coward’s way out.

Shared this with a friend, who highlighted this part. Unfortunately, I think a lot of us are like this... I hope the break helps, and wishing you all the best.

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I'm no professional athlete, but for us normal folks, breaks are so important. Tennis will be there when you're ready.

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Hey Claire, I just stumbled upon your blog and couldn't help but read any single journal since the beginning. First of all, I gotta give you credit for the courage and effort to share your own life with the whole world. As a fellow introvert who also journals, that would never cross my mind. Personally, I've related quite a lot to your stories, mostly what a person goes through their twenties (also I hate those Disney-like quotes), and appreciated your honesty describing the good and the bad you experience in your everyday life. Didn't know you took a break from tennis, but if it's what you need (or you feel you do) right now, then make the most of it. I believe that things in life are meant to happen and, since we have way little control over them than we'd hope, we should just try to embrace them. Wish you nothing but serenity (which I value more than happiness), whether inside or outside a tennis court.

P.S. Allow me to leave you a quote that I actually like and live by: "Expect nothing; appreciate everything"

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wish you the best!

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Love you Claire and I’m so proud of you and your courage to take time off and focus on you. ❤️

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